Docuemntation for OHSAS 18001

ISO 14001 & OHSAS 18001 – Risks Management

The term “risk” is literally defined as the possibility of meeting danger or suffering harm or loss, or exposure to harm or loss. When defining risk, it is important to understand that there are three interrelated concepts that are used in determining risk: • The probability that an event may occur • A detrimental or undesirable consequence related to the event • The severity of the pote... »

What is OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health & Safety?

“Occupational Health & Safety” (OH&S) is defined within the International Standard OHSAS 18001:2007 as “including the conditions and factors that can affect the well being of any persons within the workplace”. This not only includes the employees engaged in the operation, but also all visitors, contractors and any person on the premises of the organization. The term “well –be... »

Occupational Health & Safety Management System (OHSAS 18001) – An Overview

A health and safety management system is a definite plan of action designed to prevent accidents and occupational diseases. A health and safety program must include the elements required by the health and safety legislation as a minimum. Because organizations differ, a program developed for one organization cannot necessarily be expected to meet the needs of another. This document summarizes the g... »